3 signs you’re craving stability as a freedom-focused CEO
Freedom is something most of us strive for, and in fact, that is often the main reason to venture out from the Corporate world and start on our own entrepreneurial path.
So why is it that when we start our own businesses, freedom is the one thing we often DON’T have?
5 ways to tell if you’re ready for an OBM
As a business owner, it's important to have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. While you may have started your business as a solopreneur, there will come a time when you need to start delegating tasks and responsibilities. This is where hiring an online business manager (OBM) can be a game-changer.
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We want stability - Is that such a bad thing?
There’s no shame in getting a job
Knowing your numbers: Critical stats to track
When to make the switch from VA to OBM
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Here are some of the topics I like to discuss:
‣ Stability is the key to unlocking a freedom-filled business, and life!
‣ Knowing your business’ health: why tracking your numbers and data is not a ticket to snoozeville
‣ How a simple and effective lead capture process can blow up your business
‣ The true meaning of return on your investment (hiring, outsourcing, and systems)
‣ How to build a referral-worthy business and activate your clients to sell for you
If you have something else in mind, let’s brainstorm!